Signed in as:
Hi Marg, Just to let you know I passed OET!
Thank you again for everything that you did and are still doing for me.
You are a wonderful teacher and person as well. Thanks again. Dr Deva. (Dec 2023)
How are you dear Marg . I hope you are doing well and enjoying your teaching. I am happy to inform you that I got through my OET exam which was held on 22nd of July.
For R 390,L 360,W 360 and S 380. Thank you so much for your advice and guidance.
Best regards Dr Sheran
Sri Lankan doctor passed: I am happy to inform you that I got through my OET exam which was R 390 ; L 360, W 360 and S 380. Thank you so much for your advice and guidance. Best regards Dr Sheran 9 Aug 2023
Azadeh reported she has passed OET R350; S360; W360 and L370. "Your way of teaching is unique and astonishing". (Thanks Azadeh). June 2023
Karen (Nurse from Hong Kong) "I can't believe my eyes - thank you sooooo much Marg". Well done Karen. Now it is time to apply for AHPRA registration. June 2023
Iranian Doctor passed all 4 subtests at the same OET test: W380, L350, R350 and Sp 360. (Jan 2023)
Burmese Doctor passed January 2023 test: W370, L400, R380 and Sp420. Well done Shwe.
Atsuna, Japanese Doctor : Hi Marg, I've just got the OET result and I passed it! (listening A 450, reading B 430, speaking B 380, writing B 350) I am so happy and so grateful for your advice and sessions! I couldn’t have made it without your support. Thank you so much again for your teaching!! June 29, 2022
Nadeesha, a Doctor located in regional Victoria, passed OET first time - sent OETWorkshop an email with her results: "Have I passed?" Answer: Most certainly "yes" : Speaking-390, Reading-390, Listening -370, Writing-370. Well done Nadeesha. June 29,2022
Pharmacist in Toronto, 29 Apr 2022
Hello Marg, I passed OET at my first attempt . Thanks so much for your help.
Thet, SanFrancisco, 29 Apr 2022
How are you? I got my OET result this morning and I am happy to report that I have passed it. Thanks a lot for your great effort in guiding me to pass the exam in the first attempt.
Dayani, April 8, 2022
I passed OET all subtests. L-360, R-350, S-370, W- 360. Thank you for your support.
Abida, Nov 2021 "
Good Afternoon.How are you going?Well I have a good news to share with you and that is....
I passed my OET exam....Yayyyy
Thank you heaps for your kind help in preparation and assistance in every step of this journey. I really want to give you a big hug and thank you again."
Sayyida passed with flying colours: L-430; R-389; W-380; Sp-430. Fantastic effort. (Nov 2021)
I'm Thant. I appreciate your teaching and guidance.
Oct 1 - update from Thant: I passed all 4 subtests. I am so happy and over the moon. L-420 R-380
S-380 and W-380. Way to go Thant! Congratulations.
Anita in Perth - 1 Oct 2021 - Thank you so much for your help and professionalism. Passed all 4
subtests first time! Solid B-scores. Fantastic! Well done!
Dr Hona emailed "I am very excited today because of publishing test results. Writing 380, Reading 400, Listening 490 and Speaking 490. This would not have been achieved without your help.
thank you so much .. (30 Apr 2021)
Dr Ali: Just wanted to say thank you for your help and support. I passed OET - four B's. (30 Apr 2021)
Nestor, a doctor, rang me to tell me the thrilling news: "Marg! I passed OET! I am amazed! Thank you so much for all your help! You have been very patient with me. Thank you!" (29 Apr 2021)
Doctor in St Peterburg passed OET: Hi there ... It’s a bit of a mystical situation. I have just opened my result and at that moment ( the moment I was reading it) I got your email. I am sure, without you it would not have been possible (to get 4 B's). (12 Apr 2021)
Amira has reported she passed OET: Listening (380) Writing (360) Speaking (360) and and Reading (350). Well done Amira! 23 Jan 2021
Fantastic results just in: Nadee got 390 (writing), 390 (speaking), 450 (listening) and 410 (reading). Australia is lucky to have such aspirational Doctors in our community. What a great start to the new year. 22 Jan 2021
Tolu in Perth has passed OET having overcome panic and anxiety about the test. Well done Tolu!! 16 Aug 2020
Antonio in Perth reports he has passed OET. Now he can focus on being a registered Vet! 16 Jul 2020
Mel passed all 4 subtests first time. Speaking 350, Writing 350, Reading 360 and Listening 410. Whacko! Fantastic results Mel. Go, go, go. 1 Jul 2020
Hot off the Press ... Gloria, a dentist, sat the OET (Jan.2020) - first time sitting this test - and achieved an "A" in Listening (450) and "B" scores in Reading (400), Writing (390) and Speaking (430). Her comments to me were: "Thank you so much for your guidance" and " for all the preparation and reassurance you’ve given while coaching me in this first attempt. " Congratulations Gloria.
A success story worth mentioning: Dietitian gets top IELTS scores but can't get a pass in OET writing. At the December 2019 test she passed everything (including writing) : "Marg, I passed OET writing - B score - Thanks for your help!! " Moments like these make my job worthwhile ... Marg.
I DID IT. Hi Marg,
I am very proud to let you know that I don't need to take English tests henceforth. Yesterday I took my second attempt at PTE and passed it with the desired score. As you remember, last time I received 63 in the speaking part, but yesterday it was 90! Can you imagine my feelings? I am absolutely happy to overcome this former obstacle. I would like to thank you again for teaching and guiding me.
Hope you are doing well. All the best. Marat (4 Oct 2019)
Hello Marg,
Your tips are fabulous. They helped me to pass the speaking test last August.
I still remember your priceless advice. Thanks again Hahn (4 Oct 2019)
Hi Margaret ! I passed the OET! Thank you so much for all your help! I’m sure it made a difference for me to pass the exam . I’m really grateful for all your help . I told my friend to try OET instead of IELTS and to have classes with you. Cheers, Flavia (21 Sept 2019)
Hiba just emailed to say she passed writing this time. All clear to get registered with AHPRA. (Sept 19)
STOP PRESS ... Email rec'd from Dr Z - gynaecologist: I'm pleased to inform you that I've passed PTE with a score of 72. I followed your strategy and your advice. I will recommend you to my doctor friends to do PTE instead of OET. Thanks Marg for your continuous encouragement, advice and cooperation. 11th June 2019
March 14, 2019 Hi Marg, How are you?
I just want to tell you that I have passed the test. My result was: speaking 390, reading 360, listening 350, and writing 350. I want to thank you for your effort and support, you are a wonderful person. Thanks, Dr Omar Al-D
Email received 20 Feb 2019: Speaking 410, Writing 370, Listening 390 and Reading 360. Marvellous results for this guy who has tried many times to pass the OET Test.
Great result from Feb 2 2019 test: Speaking 430, Writing 410, Listening 460 and Reading 450. Congratulations Elham!
Hi Marg, Hope you are doing well. I've got my OET results today and I'm so happy!! I've passed the exam with the writing score B (got 410 points)! Rest of the sections are B as well :)). Thank you so much for your assistance it was great help. Wish you all the best,
[Received 21 Feb 2019]
Feb 8, 2019
Dear Marg,
On the 9th of January, I joined your writing workshop and I did the OET on the 12th.
Now I just want to let you know that I passed the OET. (Only needed to pass the writing, but I had to sit the complete test). Finally, I am able to apply to AHPRA for nursing registration. Thanks again, All the best, Erika
Feb 5, 2019
Hi Marg
Hope all is well. I passed my OET writing with a B (400). I just wanted to say thank you for your help :) Your advice paid off. Regards [Dietitian]
Dec 24, 2018:
Hi - I just called to say that I have passed the test with flying colours...Thank you again for all your help. David [Doctor, Iran]
Email received 22 Dec 2018 ...
Thanks Marg for all your help and support, passed my exam.
Wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year. (Pragati - Perth Workshop attendee)
Dr Azad emailed to say he achieved 420 for listening, 410 for reading, 370 for speaking and 350 for writing. Well done! Lots of hard work has paid off. (22 Dec 2018)
Hello Marg
I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Dear Marg I am writing to say I passed The OET with 4 Bs. Thank you so much for your support and teaching and valuable advice. regards, Fatemah
Hi Marg,
I got my OET results:
Listening 460 Reading 390 Writing 360
Speaking 450
Thank you very much for your help and support.
Cheers, Aidan
Hi Marg,
I’ve passed this time. Now at least I can go forward with my career. Please pray for me. Thanks for your support. - Afroza 10 July 2018
Dear All,
I would so much thank everyone of you for the support, patience and efficient teaching you provided for me, as I’ve passed the OET test from the second attempt with straight Bs in All sub tests.You made feel confident, determined and capable.
Wish your team all the best and for sure will recommend you for my friends.
Cheers, [Dentist] 10 July 2018
Here's news from a happy Nurse: Hi Jan - I want to tell you the good news that I did it. I GOT ALL B's IN ONE GO THIS TIME. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR KIND GUIDANCE AND HELP. All the best, Tiffany [12 June 2018]
Dentist wrote: Hi Jan
I would like to inform you that my result is out and i passed my oet exam... Words are not enough to say thankyou for your continuous and massive help.I am glad that you showed my the right path by correcting me at each and every step. I got B in writing and was very happy to see my result. Looking forward to pursue dentistry in Australia. Yayyyyy
Thank you once again Jan
Kind Regards Preet [12 June 2018]
Physio in New Zealand: Hi Marg
Hope you are doing great .I am sure you must be busy at this point.
I would like to pass you good news that I cleared OET exam attempted on 19 May and received 4B's . This would not have been possible without your guidance and expert training and I feel glad and lucky that I found you.
Thanks again and no words .
I have passed the details of your website and my feedback on your courses to the other OET candidates .
Welcome to NZ and let me know once you here - R.S. [12 June 2018]
Good evening
I hope you are doing well, have a look at this picture. I really thank you for the support and help you gave me and I wouldn’t be able to achieve this without you. I wish you all the best and I will miss our sessions. [Shahad]
Hi there Shahad ... this is great news ... IELTS Academic 7.5 is a great result.
And I am pleased to see that my "hunch" of you getting a "7" in speaking and "7" or higher in writing - came true.
Well done - you worked hard - and you deserve this. Can you now enrol in your post-grad course? cheers Marg
Dr Nader ... in Iran ... I just wanted to thank you - I have passed with 4 B's. I don't know how to express my appreciation of your guidance and help. Thank you. [May 2018]
Two OET's and finally Randa passed: Dear Marg, Thank you very much for your support in the previous email and the previous materials I had before from your workshop (in Melbourne). Thanks God I have passed this OET in April! Thanks to you again Best regards Randa [Pharmacist]
After trying for 18 months, Purvita passed OET writing - after doing a 3week supported writing course. Well done Purvita! 23 Apr 2018
I got 4Bs in OET. I should email you before, but as you know I was in holiday. Thank you for your helps and advice. Eventually I got it. Wish you the best.
Best regard,
Paris [Mar 2018 test]
Email received 9 Feb 2018:
Dear Marg,
Greetings from Dar es Salaam. My husband and I have been in Tanzania for a brief visit catching up with old friends and doing a bit more medical teaching in a volunteer capacity in Moshi and Mwanza. We have spent 41/2 years volunteering in Mwanza and left 12 months ago. We leave for Australia via S Africa today.
I just wanted to thank you so very much for tutoring K........... . He has now passed and his writing grade went from a C to an A.
This will give him an opportunity to get his Australian qualification and have some time in Australia with his young family, however,they are hoping long term to resume work in Africa where their hearts really lie.
Thank you again for your excellent help and caring approach.
With best wishes, Susan
Dear Marg Happy new year!
I ve got 4 B's in OET.
I received results on 22nd of Dec. Apologies for taking time to inform you.
This was my first attempt and I only participated in your Workshops. Thank you very much for your guidances. All 4 workshops were full of information on the test and teaching was very well focused. All these helped me to pass this barrier.
Kind regards [Received 2 Jan 2018]
Dear Jan, Thank you again for your tasks and advice. I got 4 Bs in OET this month. I am now able to register as a physiotherapist. I will introduce you to my friends in need. Best wishes, David
Hello Margaret, I’m dropping you a message – I’ve passed the OET! Thank you so much for your help. You helped me a lot to build up confidence. Yuki. Dec 2, 2017
Hi Marg, I got 4Bs .Thank you so much for your help.It would be impossible with out your program. I really appreciate your help and guidance .Thank you again and again. regards, Nadee Nov 28, 2017
Dr Ekram rang to say - after attending the 4-day Workshop last month - he has now passed the OET - at last! One very happy man! We wish him all the best as he embarks on furthering his medical career in Australia. 26 Sept 2017
SMS received 25 Sept 2017. Hi Marg, this is Chloe who was in your 4-day intensive OET workshop last month. I passed! I just wanted to say thank you for your help during the workshop. I didn't feel really well after the test so I thought I wouldn't pass the test but tada!! I passed! As you told us during the workshop, the reading part was easy but the writing part was quite tricky. Thanks to the tutor in the speaking workshop [I am not sure about his name name but he said he used to be a Doctor doing IVF) because the writing part was about a woman who had seen a gynaecologist and had had a few cycles of IVF. If I hadn't asked him what IVF was, I wouldn't be able to pass the writing subtest! Anyway, many thanks to you for all the help during the workshop. The workshops helped me so much and you are a great teacher! Wish you all the best. Chloe.
Editor's note: This was Chloe's first OET test - she scored A for Speaking; B - Writing; B - Reading; B - Listening.
Dear Marianne,
I have got the results just now, and fortunately I have achieved a B in speaking. Thanks for your help. I am so happy that I could pass another step and without your help it was impossible. [🌹] [🌹] [🌹] Maryam [1 Aug 2017]
Hi Marg and Jan, I have passed the OET. I got an A in reading and B in other subtests. Thank you so much for all your help and advices. I found that the workshop was very helpful and I will definitely recommend to my friends. [Venus, 1 Aug 2017]
Hi Marg and Marianne !
I just received the result and I got all B, which means I passed my English exam ! Thanks so much again :) Best regards Shosho, Japan
[5 July 2017]
Hi Marg,
I passed my oet exams.i got B in all..thank you for your helping me..say thank you for me to the other tutors.
Robert [6 July 2017]
This one from a Doctor in Iraq - an online student: Good morning Mrs Tolliday. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. See the attached file. Contact you later. I am going to work now. [ signed ] P.S. The attachment was his OET results: B, B, B and an A for writing. His previous OET results were B, B, B and a C for writing. Now he can breathe easy! [Marg]
Dear Marg and Jan, Hope you both are doing great. I just wanted to let you know that I got my results this evening . I have passed the test with grade "B" in all four subtests. Thanks to you both for your guidance and help. Regards, Nishat
. . . . . . .
Hi Marg, I am so happy to share my last month's OET results! I got 4B ! Thank you so much to help me and inspire me through this tough journey . I can't thank you enough! I also recommended you to another Chinese friend. She only has some problems with writing, could you please help her out as well? Her name is Ping. I passed your number on to her. I think she will call you soon.
Hi Margaret ! I passed the OET! Thank you so much for all your help!
I’m sure it made a difference for me to pass the exam . I’m really grateful for all your help . I told my friend to try OET instead of IELTS and to have classes with you.
Cheers, Fl