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Our experienced tutors can help you navigate the OET test landscape, by choosing the right strategies to pass the OET.
Preparing for the OET ? Our test preparation services can help you feel confident and prepared. Gain confidence, knowing you are "on track" to pass OET writing, reading, listening and speaking tests.
How does this happen? - by reinforcing your worthiness and ability to get this far. Clearly you have plenty of dedication and willingness to do the "hard yards" ... otherwise you would not be reading this.
This can be overwhelming, but we're here to help. Our team can provide guidance on every aspect of the journey: after gaining your qualifications, you need to pass the O.E.T. English test (or IELTS Academic. - (particularly if your qualification was gained in a language other than English) in order to be accepted by AHPRA - the Australian Health Professional Regulation Agency. Medical graduates often need to be supervised at their place of work (a clinic or hospital) for a few months - to get acquainted with Australia's health system. The OETWorkshop can help you find work after registration with AHPRA.
Pre-COVID these were called "4-day Intensive Workshops" - they have been renamed as Masterclasses because we expect attendees to already be established in their English skills.
These classes (one day each for Writing, Reading, Listening and Speaking) are designed to show you some of the ways in which you can pass the 4 subtests rather than ending up with a disappointing result. You will be required to write (handwrite) the related letters for case studies; answer Parts A, B and C reading exercises - and discuss why one answer was better than another; similarly answer Parts A, B and C listening exercises - and finally - on Day 4, the speaking day - be matched with someone of a similar profession taking turns to perform roleplays with a live native-Speaker. Lots and lots of practice.
We also provide attendees (Melbourne Masterclasses) with morning tea/coffee and sandwiches and fresh fruit at lunchtime. At Sydney Masterclasses you will need to BYO lunch - there's a microwave available to heat up food; tea, coffee, biscuits are supplied.
The Melbourne Masterclasses are being held in a private space at The Bridge hotel, Watton Street, Werribee (in the heart of the retail district of Werribee). Interstate visitors are invited to take up the discount offer of accommodation (1, 2 or 3 nights) at The Quest, Werribee.
The Sydney-based Masterclasses will be held in Conference Room 3, at The Paddock, Parramatta. This venue is a short walk from Parramatta Rail Station.
Interested? $AUD80 per day including morning tea and lunch. (Melbourne)
$AUD110 per day including morning tea/coffee/biscuits/ use of kitchenette. (Sydney)
Each day starts at 10.00am and finished around 4.00pm